World Eight-ball Pool Championship specifications, by the member countries of the WEPF
Object balls shall be, 2 inches (50.8 mm) diameter and weight of 116 grams, + 2 grams.
Aramith Pro-Cup balls will be used for all WEPF International events.
Cue ball shall be, 17/8 inches (47.6 mm) diameter and a weight of 94 grams, + 2 grams.
And the ‘spotted’ cue ball will be used at WEPF International events.
Maximum playing surface to be, 7 feet x 3 feet 6 inches (213.36cm x 106.68cm)
(playing surface being the flat slate area between the cushion faces)
(the cushion faces being the part of the cushion that the ball(s) contact).
Minimum playing surface must be, 6 feet x 3 feet (182.88cm x 91.44cm)
(playing surface being the flat slate area between the cushion faces)
(the cushion faces being those parts of the cushion that the ball(s) contact).
Cushion faces to have a narrow flat face.
Table height to be between, 31½ inches & 33½ inches (80cm & 85cm).
The playing surface and cushion cloth must be a ‘nap’ cloth, 30 oz. The nap to run from baulk to pyramid.
Pocket size and cut to be as per WEPF agreed templates.
Depth of pockets to be, 85mm (3.35 inches /approx. 311/32“) corners and 95mm (3.74 inches / approx. 33/4“) centres, minimum measurement.
Lighting to be three shades, (or LED equivalent) one over the centre of the table and one shade 20 inches (50.8cm) either side of centre. The height to be 32½ inches (82.55 cm) from the playing surface of the level table to the bottom of the shade.
The baulk line to be positioned 1/5th (20%) of the length between the face of the end cushions.
The pyramid spot to be in the centre of the top half of the table.
Pool Tables